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Digitisation and Digital Transformation in the Cultural Heritage Sector: Perspectives of Different Communities

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Author: Elisa Pellegrini & Contributors: Rasa Bočytė & Maria Tartari On the 20th of April, inDICEs project invited cultural heritage professionals, policymakers and researchers to take part in a focus group session to guide our work for the creation of the inDICEs Open Observatory. Together we discussed and collected insights on frameworks, trends, best practices and new business models that can enhance the circulation and creative use of cultural heritage. Specifically, we aimed to gather contributions on how our methodology… Read More »Digitisation and Digital Transformation in the Cultural Heritage Sector: Perspectives of Different Communities

inDICEs: empowering IPR for Cultural Heritage Institutions

The Centre for IT and IP law (CITIP) of KU Leuven is leading the inDICEs Work Package (WP2) on Comparative cross-national legal analysis (IP-centric), related, in particular, to intellectual property (IP) laws, with the aim of providing the necessary legal support to achieve the goals of InDICEs. This is the first of a two-part story about the research and the outcomes of the first deliverable of the WP2. The CITIP is a research centre at the Faculty of Law of… Read More »inDICEs: empowering IPR for Cultural Heritage Institutions