Do you have a favourite cultural website? Share it with us!
Join our open call and help us to build the inDICEs Observatory Platform
inDICEs is building a Visual Analytics Dashboard as part of the Open Observatory, a platform that aims to collect, process, and provide relevant data and information to users – from policy-makers, researchers and anyone who is interested in exploring data from cultural heritage institutions and in learning more on policies and trends.
Anyone can participate!
Join the call by indicating 1 to 5 websites that contain data and information on cultural themes and trends and digitized cultural contents. By joining the call, the Visual Analytics Dashboard and the Observatory Platform will be nourished not only by top-down sources selected by experts but also by a bottom-up process of co-creation.

About the Open Sources
inDICEs is interested in collecting and analyzing online sources on different fields of the cultural and creative sector, both from the point of view of the born-digital content and the digital reproduction and re-mix of content. We are also looking for:
- Websites of cultural institutions, websites of cultural debate and cultural practices.
- Legal online sources on cultural heritage and from cultural heritage institutions
- websites from any cultural institute or organization, no matter the size or how involved they are in the digitization process. The more we are, the better!
We recommend including sources that are:
- open-access text-based web sites
- official sources, blogs, magazines, social network pages, newspapers, open access scientific journals