inDICEs Conversation Series
Digital Cultural Heritage:
Sustainability and Value of Open Access Models
The cultural heritage sector has made enormous progress in adapting to the new digital reality. The growing collections of digitized and increasingly born-digital data have opened unprecedented opportunities for exploitation by creative industries, researchers, educators and individuals. Yet the economic and societal benefits of these activities are not immediately visible, especially due to the difficulty to measure them, thus failing to demonstrate the return on investment in digitization and digital strategies for public engagement. In order to collect input for the development of the research methodology, inDICEs is bringing together cultural heritage professionals, researchers and interested community to discuss the needs and concerns in relation to digitization, online access, use and re-use of collections, data needed for developing digital strategies, future research competencies and change management.
As part of reaching our community, we take the opportunity of the upcoming 2nd Consultation Workshop to kick off a conversation series with remarkable professionals around Europe to talk about the future and sustainability of open access to cultural heritage assets.

Three muses in conversation, 1740 – 1807. Kauffmann, Angelica
Episode 1
A conversation with Merete Sanderhoff (SMK)
Merete Sanderhoff is an art historian working at SMK since 2007. She is a curator and senior advisor in the field of digital museum practice, and is responsible for the museum’s open access policy.
Episode 2
CC Open GLAM Platform: a conversation with Brigitte Vézina and Camille Françoise
Brigitte Vézina is Director of Policy, Open Culture, and GLAM at Creative Commons.
Camille Françoise is GLAM manager at Creative Commons.
Episode 3
A conversation with Meta Knol
Meta Knol is an art historian and museum director, currently director of Leiden European City of Science 2022 (leiden2022).