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Self-Assessment Tool WORKSHOP – results

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Self-Assessment Tool Workshop – video extract

The inDICEs Project workshop about the Self-Assessment Tool organized by Michael Culture Association and KU Leuven was a success!

On November 10, Fred Truyen and Marco Fiore animated a group of participants coming from the GLAM sector to find out how they could improve their digital strategy. After an interactive session with the tool, a whole discussion about #Digitization of content and #participation took place.

The main takeaways?

Smaller and medium institutions don’t necessary have the capacities to deal with the digital, but projects like InDICES give you the tools to dive into this domain.

At the same time, digital doesn’t have to be the master solution to every issue and it has to be considered as a powerful instrument to support your processes and objectives. For example, too many institutions rush too soon into social media without a strategy, creating problems instead of solving them. It is about thinking about your goal first and then creating a plan to achieve it.

Through digital, cultural heritage institutions can think about how to have effective storytelling: it is about bringing cultural heritage to people in a more accessible way.

But most importantly try the Self Assessment Tool, access