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sixth Workshop on Intellectual Property in szeged (WIPS6) report (author: DR. HARKAI ISTVÁN)

May has been a busy month of conferences for participants in the H2020 ReCreating Europe research consortium. We presented in Krems an der Donau, in Trento, in Nottingham, and concluded this series in Szeged on 9-10 June at the sixth Workshop on Intellectual Property (WIPS6) conference. Although the conference was mainly in-person, due to anomalies in European air traffic, several speakers were unable to arrive, so the conference became a hybrid event. Another special feature of the event was that the so-called GLAM@HOME panels and the GLAM@HOME Training sessions were streamed and recorded online to the public, which can be watched back here. As the conference programme shows, a significant part of the event was dedicated to the GLAM sector and cultural heritage issues, as well as to the intersection of consumer protection and copyright law.

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Open Up Museums! Workshop – trento/Rovereto

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This May saw a return to travelling for the reCreating Europe project, as project partners headed to Italy for the first of two GLAM @ Home workshops – ‘Open Up Museums! Prospects and Challenges of Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion’, organised as a collaboration between projects DANCING, inDICEs. A valley enclosed on all sides by looming mountains is not the most obvious setting for a workshop which focuses on ‘openness’ – but the surroundings gave a dramatic backdrop to the two-day workshop which took place in Trento and Rovereto on the 26-27 May, 2022. The aim of the event was to explore key issues and tools to promote openness in the cultural sector, between law and practice. The full programme consisted of four panels, two keynote speeches, two guided museum tours and one training session. In between, participants enjoyed the superb hospitality of the two host museums – MuSe (Trento) and Mart (Rovereto).

The below report summarises the content of the two-day workshop, and is interspersed with the thoughts of speakers and attendees who were asked to reflect on the question – ‘What does an ’open museum’ mean to you’?

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New Call for Papers: 6th annual Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in Szeged (WIPS)

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inDICEs and ReCreating Europe invite participants to submit their papers for presentation on WIPS on topics related to GLAM, consumer law and IP overlaps. The Institute of Comparative Law and Legal Theory (University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences) will host the 6th annual Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in Szeged (WIPS) on June 9-10, 2022 in Szeged (Hungary). The WIPS explore current issues in intellectual property law. This year’s event opens two main tracks for application: GLAM… Read More »New Call for Papers: 6th annual Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in Szeged (WIPS)

inDICEs, One Year On!

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inDICEs, one year on! It’s been an eventful first year for the project.

inDICEs: empowering IPR for Cultural Heritage Institutions

The Centre for IT and IP law (CITIP) of KU Leuven is leading the inDICEs Work Package (WP2) on Comparative cross-national legal analysis (IP-centric), related, in particular, to intellectual property (IP) laws, with the aim of providing the necessary legal support to achieve the goals of InDICEs. This is the first of a two-part story about the research and the outcomes of the first deliverable of the WP2. The CITIP is a research centre at the Faculty of Law of… Read More »inDICEs: empowering IPR for Cultural Heritage Institutions